Transport News

Respect the Agency

As a follow on to my column on respect, I’m sure you’ve all seen the focus on the Transport Agency in the mainstream press and, while they may be a little confused in their understanding of the nuances of the various strands of the certification system in New Zealand,...

Public Respect

I was having a conversation recently with some industry players and the subject of driver shortages came up. The suggestion was made that the role of truck driver was not respected even though they earn around the same as many graduates with around 10 years’...

HVS Certification issues

By now you will have heard about the safety warnings about drawbars and fifth wheel kingpins recently issued by the NZTA and you may be wondering what all the fuss is about, especially considering heavy vehicles undergo a CoF inspection every 6 months that you might...

FleetSage and your TSL

FleetSage and your TSL

Just about the most important thing to you as a transport operator is your Transport Service Licence (TSL), without this you do not have a transport operation. Protecting it should be one of the highest priorities of your business. Many operators might think that,...

Take a load off,

Let us help you manage your heavy vehicle fleet.