Health and Safety

The recent conviction of a Christchurch based transport operator resulting in a fine amounting to almost $400,000.00, on top of a previous reparations payment of $150,000.00, just underlines the fact that a fleet management programme must also include management of...

Truck Fires

Recently our friends across the Tasman have been looking at truck fires and their causes and what can be done to prevent them. This is an issue that also affect us here in New Zealand, In Australia the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has even published a safety...

A Tough Year

The information coming out of NZTA has clearly indicated that they, and the CVST, will be taking a much stronger stand on compliance this year. Nobody should feel so smug that it will not affect them one way or another; nobody is perfect. The days of so-called willing...

Respect the Agency

As a follow on to my column on respect, I’m sure you’ve all seen the focus on the Transport Agency in the mainstream press and, while they may be a little confused in their understanding of the nuances of the various strands of the certification system in New Zealand,...

Public Respect

I was having a conversation recently with some industry players and the subject of driver shortages came up. The suggestion was made that the role of truck driver was not respected even though they earn around the same as many graduates with around 10 years’...