Transport News

Maintenance – 3

So you’ve taken heed and decided you will protect your TSL by introducing a Fleet Management system. Having done that and introducing systems like a daily walkaround inspection and a VCA (vehicle condition assessment) before your vehicle is presented for a CoF, you...

Maintenance – 2

In my previous article on maintenance  I talked about the requirement in Land Transport Rules that vehicles must be maintained within safe tolerance of OE. There does seem to be some confusion between the term safe tolerance and the term minimum compliance which is...

Maintenance – 1

For this discussion on maintenance we’ll start by addressing the Land Transport Rules that focus on the maintenance of heavy vehicles including their repair and modification. These Rules include the HV Brakes Rule, the Heavy Vehicle Rule and the Vehicle Repair Rule...

Driver Licensing

Operators can be forgiven feeling they are facing a perfect storm when it comes recruiting and retaining drivers with the well publicised driver shortage and the threat by the NZTA to focus on driver behaviour and exiting those drivers it feels are unsafe along with...

Climate Change

We’ve all noticed the effects of climate change, more destructive weather events happening more often, the seasons seeming to change, ice caps melting. The consensus seems to be that these changes could be catastrophic if not reversed, or at least halted, not...

Cardan Shaft (Transmission) Park Brake

You may have seen some of the recent publicity about Cardan Shaft Park Brakes, in the form of safety alerts from both Worksafe and the Transport Agency and wondered what it is all about.  As you can see from the photo a Cardan Shaft Park Brake (CSB), also known as a...

Fleet Management

So you’ve taken heed and decided you will protect your TSL by introducing a Fleet Management system. Having done that and introducing systems like a daily walkaround inspection and a VCA (vehicle condition assessment) before your vehicle is presented for a CoF, you...

Health and Safety

The recent conviction of a Christchurch based transport operator resulting in a fine amounting to almost $400,000.00, on top of a previous reparations payment of $150,000.00, just underlines the fact that a fleet management programme must also include management of...

Truck Fires

Recently our friends across the Tasman have been looking at truck fires and their causes and what can be done to prevent them. This is an issue that also affect us here in New Zealand, In Australia the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has even published a safety...

A Tough Year

The information coming out of NZTA has clearly indicated that they, and the CVST, will be taking a much stronger stand on compliance this year. Nobody should feel so smug that it will not affect them one way or another; nobody is perfect. The days of so-called willing...

Take a load off,

Let us help you manage your heavy vehicle fleet.